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handwritten greeting card service
handwritten greeting card service
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Shipping Mon-Fri | Order by 11am for same day shipping
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The love is strong for our hand written card service!

The love is strong for our hand written card service!

It's been a few months now, and our hand-written greeting card service is proving a very popular addition here at Pancake HQ. Since introducing the service, I have written cards in Spanish, Finnish, French, hand-drawn the emoji poop, called someone a bum face, sent numerous buckets of massive hugs, and drawn around 7,856 "XXX's"! (and a few of those weird "xoxoxo" ones - it just makes me think of gravy, really!)

I've had some really lovely feedback from our handwritten orders too. One customer was in hospital at the time of placing her order. She couldn't get to the shop or the post office, so our hand-written option was perfect for her. On the other end of the scale, I've had customers approaching me to say they were so happy to take advantage of the hand-written option because they had such terrible handwriting! 

Although we have a 270 character limit on each greeting card I did have one customer really push the boundaries of this rule ByWritingEverythingLikeThisWithNoSpaceAtAllOhMyWordThatWasBloodyAnnoyingToCopyOut! Needless to say, I didn't write it like that in his card!

I was worried, when I first started our hand-written service that it might be misused. I have been the recipient in the past of anonymous mail that I didn't want to receive, and it was sent through a third party (albeit one that typed the message, rather than hand-wrote it) which, initially, helped this person harass me regularly. Imagine my horror when I contacted the company who was sending the cards and they refused to confirm the identity of the perpetrator. I really didn't need it confirming, but they were obliged to keep these customer details from me because of GDPR regulations. The same regulations that I am bound by too. The company in question did have terms and conditions to protect such misuse of these personalised cards though, as we also do, and was able to contact the perpetrator on my behalf and prevent any further communications through their service. I know it's not great talking about this side of what should simply be a personal, time-saving service, but I wanted you to know that I take this sort of misuse very seriously and I will always do everything in my power to make sure that the cards I send are wanted communication. 

Card writing terms and conditions 

Quite a few of you love our hand written service so much that you choose to send multiple cards to different people in the same order. Which is fab! I just want to remind you that, currently, our website checkout is a little un-cooperative in terms of the shipping addresses that you can type in, in that you can only type in one shipping address per order. This is why we have the additional address box on the page where you write your greeting card message. The address you type on this product page over-rides the shipping address that you're asked for at checkout. I know... it's not ideal, and we're working on making it clearer, but most of you seem to be getting the hang of it!

Another reminder for people sending multiple cards in the one order is: please select the correct shipping! The shipping you need to select is "Hand-written cards (posting to 2 or more addresses)" Simples!

An example of our handwriting:


Christmas is coming!!

Would you like us to write and send all your Christmas cards? Believe me when I say: I love writing! I'd love to do this for you. At time of writing, I'm still trying to think of the easiest way to do this. It may be a downloadable form that I get you to fill in.... so watch this space!

Until next time!


Some of our lovely customer comments:


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