Big exciting news! I am now 100% Curious Pancake!
The above image is a tryptch of me in Jobs From Hell™. Aka: spending my life doing anything but the thing I want to do. The first image is how I used to entertain myself working in a repro dept, the second I have titled Call Centre Ennui and the third, and probably the best of the lot, is when I worked as a stockroom assistant for The Body Shop.
BUT.... today ....Today I'm leaving my part-time job of the last 4 years to work FULL TIME on The Curious Pancake!
I'm insanely excited!
Since starting this business in our cold, damp dining room 7 years ago, I've been looking forward to this day for years! It's exciting, it's terrifying, it's nerve-wracking, it's...... oohh posh Prosecco on my last day? At 11.45am? Don't mind if I do!
My work colleagues have been so awesome. They even decorated our little office today with "Pancake orange" balloons! I'll totally miss them. I'll miss the tea rounds, the cathartic bitching... the Lottery Syndicate! My employer has been totally on the ball with my P45 (gulp!) and, more crucially, 100% supportive of my business all the years I've been working for them. They certainly haven't made my decision to leave and easy one, they have been a total joy to work for.
So where now for The Curious Pancake? I'm excited that, at last, I'll be able to concentrate more towards producing Pancake exclusive greetings cards and products, so expect to see more of this in the coming weeks and months! We'll be doing more local and national fairs in the hope of converting more toward the Pancake way of cards! More than anything, though, I will be delighted to continue bringing you more of the awesome greetings card you've come to know (and, dare I say, love?) us for, and I thank you all for continuing to place your orders with us over the years. Your support and kind words spur me onward on those lonely "why did I start this?!" days!
Okay, I think I'll leave it there for now, best go off and read all those comments on my leaving card.... time for a round of "All the Best" bingo! ;-)
Got any comments or suggestions for stock or services you'd like to see us take on? Drop us a line at hello@thecuriouspancake.co.uk
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