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handwritten greeting card service
handwritten greeting card service
Shipping Mon-Fri | Order by 11am for same day shipping
Shipping Mon-Fri | Order by 11am for same day shipping
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About Us

The Curious Pancake is an indie greetings card store founded in 2011 by illustrator and designer Claire Senior.

Yorkshire-born Claire graduated from Loughborough University in 2000 with a first-class degree in illustration and a desire to not work part-time in greeting card shops her whole life.

She spent the next 10 years working part-time in greeting card shops. These stores sold some pretty hideous cards, with out-of-touch messages and naff illustrations and Claire was convinced she could literally draw something better with her arse. She resisted... and instead took her beady illustrator's eye and sought out some fantastic illustrators, letterpress studios and designers with mad skillz whose work was crying out for a bigger audience. She also remembered, quite belatedly, that she was an illustrator too and slowly developed the confidence to start creating her own products and cards!

Claire has lived in Nottingham for the past 20 years with her partner, Ben, and their cat floofs, Mort and Edna. Claire loves tea, marshmallows, and blueberry pancakes with maple syrup. The Curious Pancake reflects her passion for illustration, humour and awesome greeting cards. 'Pancake also champions good old-fashioned correspondence and customers return time and again for unique cards, friendly customer assistance, and our handwritten card service.

So now you know how cool we are - let's go SHOPPING!

Hiya! Claire here again (this paragraph is proof that I don't always talk in the third person!) I just wanted to say that if you're a fellow illustrator and you think your work would fit in with the products you see in our store, we would love to hear from you! Email us at with info and product images and we can chat further.

Follow us - let’s get social! 😊


We have a lovely community on Instagram, and I tend to engage most frequently on this platform because it’s super friendly and I love reading about the tribulations and triumphs of my fellow small business owners.


If Facebook’s more your natural home, then I’m on there too! I’m not hugely ‘salesy’ on there (or indeed any of my social platforms!) so rest assured that I won’t bombard you with unwanted gubbins. Only interesting/useful/funny gubbins from me, your honour!


Looking for wholesale info?

Check out our wholesale page here:


Claire at Pancake HQ signature